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How the sausage gets made

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A colophon is used to give insight into the behind-the-scenes process used to create a work. In traditional print literature, colophons were included as an inscription at the end of a book. This is the colophon for

Planning for the website began in November 2022, with prototyping beginning the following month.

It was created entirely on the Fedora Linux 37 operating system, using the nano and VS Code editors. The markup is styled using StylifyCSS. The site is packaged together using Astro. The source code is committed to GitHub and subsequently built and hosted on Render.

To maintain consistency throughout the site, all content is written in accordance with guidelines based on the 18F content guide. Drafts for articles are created and edited using Nuclino and Anytype.

The primary font used is Commissioner. Our logo font is Kanit. We also use Rock Salt for our hero pages. To significantly reduce font sizes (and thereby make the site load faster for you), Beatrix processed the fonts to remove unused character glyphs.

To further improve site load speed, some images have been processed by Squoosh, while others are hosted and processed on the ImageKit content delivery network.